I’m Letting Go of Toxic People

When I was introduced to Nina Badzin’s blog, I turned into Usher and was like…”Oh my gosh, I’m so in love, I found you finally…”
Seriously, I fell pretty hard.
Nina tells it like it is.
If you read my introduction to her recent guest post here, you’ll see why I’m so excited to be a guest blogger at Nina’s today.
I’m also scared.
I’ve written about an issue that’s been hard for me to deal with in the past: toxic people.
Follow me to Nina Badzin’s Blog, where I spill the rest of the story.
Click on Nina’s button, and you’ll be magically transported to Minnesota. (Or just click on the big, bold blue link above.)
Comments are closed here, but I will be hanging out in Minnesota — waiting to respond to your words!