“I Survived the Mean Girls”
It is hard to admit this, but I wasn’t always the nicest girl.
At one time in my life, I cared a lot about being popular.
I cared so much that sometimes I ridiculed and teased other people.
Or I stood by while others were teased.
And I did nothing.
These are the things about which I am now deeply ashamed.
Sins for which I have tried to atone.
Today I’m guest posting over at Kelly K’s blog, I Survived The Mean Girls.
Kelly’s blog is designed for people to share their stories about teen bullying.
To let others know they are not alone.
Unfortunately, I’m telling it straight.
From the other side.
From a different place of cruelty and weakness.
It isn’t always pretty.
If you know someone who is having a hard time with bullying, this is the place for that person to go.
Please, help spread the word.
People who tweet can find community on Twitter @OstracizedTeens
So click on the big red lockers and read about the person I used to be.
A long time ago.
© Renée Schuls-Jacobson 2011. All rights reserved.