
February 27, 2012

What the Deuce Does Huffaloftus Mean?

It’s another Made-It-Up Monday where I throw out one of the {many} fictional words I use in real life & we get to see who can get inside my brain & define it the way I would….

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It’s the last Monday of the month, and you know what that means?

What do you mean you don’t know?

The last Monday of each Month is Made-It-Up Monday.

I throw out a 100% made-up word and ask you to:

  • define it
  • provide its part of speech, and
  • use the word in a sentence that indicates how the word could be used.

Why? Because it’s fun.

And because someone gave me the book The Meaning of Tingo and Other Extraordinary Words From Around the World.

Did you know that in Japan, the word “bakku-shan” means “the experience of seeing a woman who appears pretty from behind but not from the front”?

Somehow, I’m guessing that is not a real popular word with the ladies.

Anyway, I can’t find the right word on the word-shelf to fit my mood or predicament, I just make one up.

The last time we did this the word was HUFFALOFTUS.

Remember, the first person to use the word even remotely close to the way I do shall receive linky-love. And by that, I mean I will announce your identity in the next Made-It-Up Monday post next month and link up to your blog, so folks can head over and check out your stuff.

If you are not a blogger, don’t worry. If you guess the meaning, I will highlight your name in bold and let everyone know how smart you are. If you are looking for a new job, you can put “uncanny ability to define 100% bogus words” on your resumé and direct prospective employers here. I will totally back you up.

Our last winner got a whole spread, so I won’t redo.

Continuing alphabetically, this month’s word is: 


What the heck is that? Define it. And give me a sentence in which you show me how you would use it.

You know, if it were a real word. 😉

Tweet this Twit @rasjacobson

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Today we continue with Made-It-Up Mondays where I throw out a 100% made-up word and ask you to:

  • define it
  • provide its part of speech, and
  • use the word in a sentence that indicates how the word could be used.

Why? Because it’s fun.

And because someone gave me the book The Meaning of Tingo and Other Extraordinary Words From Around the World.

When I can’t find the right word on the word-shelf to fit my mood or predicament, I just make one up.

The last time we did this the word was “grievenstall”. While several people guessed the word was a verb, having to do with intense grief, one person understood that it also had to do with a car when she tapped out this sentence:

My sad little sedan went and grievenstalled this morning.

Here’s the real story behind the word. I used to date a guy with an orange VW Bug. It was a great little Farfenugen. Except it used to stall all the time for no apparent reason. It drove me nuts. Eventually, he dumped me and got a new girlfriend. And I found I actually missed his dumb VW. One day, I was crying about the end of our relationship and someone asked me what was wrong, and it just slipped out: “I’m in a grieve and stall!” Now any time I’m in a car that stalls (or I see an orange VW Bug), I shout: “Grievenstall!”  —  really loud.

Tori Nelson is the smartypants who got both the grief and the car. Go and check out her blog The Ramblings. She is funny. And, in addition to other things, she is doing a thing called “My Very Bloggy Wedding” which is coming up in April 2012! Enjoy!

I’d like to continue alphabetically, but don’t have a made-up “H” word.

I know, weird, right?

So I’m really going to make one up and then just pick the definition/sentence combo that I love the best.

So this month’s 100% made-up word is:


What the heck is that? Define it. And give me a sentence in which you show me how you would use it.

You know, if it were a real word. 😉

Tweet this Twit @rasjacobson


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