

Last week, my friend El Farris of Running From Hell with El ran a little contest in which she asked people to create images of super heroes, willing to fight for a cause.

Today, I was supposed to declare the winner of El’s Strong Enough to Escape From Hell Create Your Own Super Hero Contest.

Except I need your help.


Go look at El’s page, then come back here and vote.

If you’d like to, tell me why you think this person is the most deserving of the $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble that I will be providing!

* Yes, I am aware I am missing a question mark in the poll. It is actually there, but apparently I am using up too much space. Darn you, PollDaddy and your narrow margins!

• • •

THE CONTEST IS OVER! ** I think it is obvious that Random Thoughts and Lotsa Coffee has done the job with Super Ma’am! Congratulations! Please send me your contact information so I can mail you your prize!

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