
This is El's Avatar. She is riding for justice.

El Farris is my writing partner. She kicks my butt and makes sure that I am writing. And then I kick her butt back.

I guess we kinda like to kick each other’s butts.

El and I have 6,347 things in common. We both love motorcycles and horses. We are both wild women and yet we each have a strong sense of justice. We hate bullying and plagiarism. We have both survived things that might make folks look at us with sad eyes or call us victims. We call ourselves survivors.

El’s just hit her 111th post on her blog Running From Hell With El and, to celebrate, I suggested she run a little contest.

El is all about justice and she has a strong moral code. We decided a great idea — nay, the perfect idea — would be for people to create their own Super Hero Avatars and send them to post at her place.

For the purposes of this contest, a superhero is defined as a character dedicated to using his or her strengths to stop those who might use their powers for selfish, destructive or ruthless purposes.


1. Pick your cause — funny or serious — and send in a visual representation of your Super Hero to You can use any medium: a drawing, a cartoon, a photograph, a collage.

2. Please include with your submission an explanation of what your Super Hero is fighting for (or against, as the case may be).

3. You may submit until January 24, 2012 at 9 PM EST.

4. On January 25, 2012 at 7 am, I will announce the winner of El’s Strong Enough to Escape From Hell Create Your Own Super Hero Contest.

One lucky winner will receive a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble.

{Knowledge is power, people. We find that knowledge in books.}

This is my Super Hero! And before you get all freaked out thinking, "I can't do that!" I didn't. My kid did it for me. I made a doodle. Which would have been fine. Plus, I'm the judge. I can't win.

When is the last time you created art with something other than words?

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