The Castanurgle Poll: Because People Want To Vote

When I started Made-It Up Mondays, I figured it would be no big whoop.
I’d simply take one of the many made-up words I use on a regular basis and see what kind of definitions my bloggin’ friends, the wordsmiths, might conjure up.
And you’ve been awesome.
With your definitions and your sentences.
Last week my fake word was “castanurgle,” and I decided to get all fancy and create a poll to see who you think came up with the best answer.
Here is what I have learned:
- Fancy always backfires.
Putting together this post took forever.
It took eighty hours to get PollDaddy to work.
I don’t know why.
Daddy has always been good to me before.
So there I was, all in a tizzy.
I mean, really.
How to tally the votes?
(Where is Jeff Probst when you need him?)
But if there is one thing I’ve learned, it is that people have to vote when you’ve told them they are going to get to vote.
So I had to figure it out.
An hour later, I stopped shouting expletives at the computer tried again, and PollDaddy was much more cooperative.
So here’s what I’ve come up with.
I selected my top five favorite entries and entered only the definitions in PollDaddy.
Below the poll, you will find the example of the sentence that illustrates the definition as well as links to the folks who created them in that same order.
Bloggers, feel free to tell your peeps to come on over and vote for you.
Because you know you want the prize.
What do you mean you didn’t know there was a prize?
Well, of course there is a prize!
What kind of contest doesn’t have a prize?
The winner of this week’s prize will receive a bushel of cyber-apples and several thick-skinned cyber-pumpkins, perfectly round and ready to be carved or placed on your mantle.
What do you mean you don’t have a mantle?
Yes, you do.
You know, that invisible mantle on your blog where you put all those awesome invisible awards, like the Versatile Blogger, the Stylish Blogger, the Liebster, etc. That mantle. I think a collection of autumnal fruits and veggies will look great on one lucky blogger’s cyber-mantle.
Also, the winner also has immunity in next week’s challenge and cannot be voted off the island.
Wait. Whaaat?
So – whose definition of “Castanurgle” do you like best?
A. “I want to go out for Italian tonight and my partner wants Chinese. We are facing a real castanurgle; there is no good compromise!” Chrystal.
B. “I was feeding the baby prunes this morning when I was hit by a ton of castanurgle.” She’s A Maineiac
C. “I found it difficult to interpret Ricky Ricardo’s castanurgle every time he discovered Lucy was one of his showgirls in disguise.” Julie C. Gardner
D. “C’mon kids, we’re going to visit your grandfather this weekend. I know he’s let himself go and smells like a castanurgle, but he hasn’t seen you in months and we need to help him take a sponge bath.” Brown Road Chronicles
E. “Everyone thought the sound was indicative of her being hungry; little did they know that the castanurgle was a warning that she was about to blow!” Carol H. Rives
So there you have it. And from here on out, I’m back to being a dictator.
Or a monarchy.
Or just a twit who makes up words.
And to think, I thought a castanurgle was the rare situation when a person finds him or herself with a bad head-cold in a damp castle and, after a vigorous bout of sneezing, realizes that he/she is without a single tissue.
Shows you what I know.
(NOTE: *Winners did not have to be bloggers. It just worked out that way.)
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I’m baaaaccckkk =)
I’m so glad! Did you unsubscribe and then resubscribe? Dying to hear what made the fix?
I love a good poll. Sorry Daddy wasn’t cooperative but it was well worth the effort. I voted for spittle, by the way. Can’t go wrong with baby spittle.
The spittle was pretty good, right?
The most valuable lessons we learn (inside or outside the classroom) are the ones learned the hard way. Valiant effort! 😉
Lorna, I have written essays and I have tried to create a post using PollDaddy.
We were in a war.
But I never give up, so I won.
Kind of. 😉
Hey! I am so excited and honored to be among the top 5! Thanks 🙂
Looking forward to the next Made-It-Up Monday… this has been fun!
I thought your answer was great. And, frankly, it is probably the closest to the way I have used the word, but now, we will leave it to the masses to decide. 😉
Yay contests! Yay polls! This prompted me to finally figure out how to view the ‘submit your own’ results on the polls I’ve done (by going to Dashboard > All Polls > View Results). Dang, people had some good car names for me last month, ha!
What are you even talking about? I will have to check that out when this is done. 😉 Car names for you, eh? Did that get you all revved up?
Ha! I only now realize how potentially cryptic my comment was. You know when you create a poll, you can add an option for ‘write-ins’? Well, I would do that, but then never knew how to view the write-ins! Turns out I should have just used WordPress Dashboard logic (and navigated to All Polls > View Results). Speaking of DASHboards…
“Dash” was the car name winner (from Girl on the Contrary). Because my car has good pick-up, and a lot of junk in her trunk, like a Kardashian.
Today I will cast about to find an urgle worthy of the time I will spend seated at my computer!
Hi D’Alta! There’s lots of tasty vittles out there. If you don’t read K.B. Owen, you might want to check her out. 😉
Will check her out!
It can’t be a good sign that I didn’t even recognize my own definition in the mix…until I saw the sentences below it!
Ricky Ricardo brought it all rushing back to me. Babalu, indeed.
Hooray for you and polls ~ I love how you’re always willing to try new things…
You rock, lady!
You are right; I am not afraid of trying and failing.
I’m guess I’m a little bit like Lucy Arnez.
You know, because — no matter how hard she tried — Desi never did let her in his show.
You would think that I would learn to just stick to the writing thing. 😛
Wow, I am getting my ass handed to me in this poll!
You are a good sport. 😉
I’m tied for 1st… need to direct a few more friends to this poll!
(btw – I changed my name from Ms H to Chrystal!)
Well Chrystal, you’d better do some hard lobbying! 😉
My facebook post seems to have helped! 🙂