What I Wore – Accessories
Happy New Year, everyone! It’s cold outside today, so I turned to a favorite scarf to wear over a plain ole black peplum sweater. Like my scarf? I got it from a friend who sells great accessories at Anything Goes Clothing & Consignment in Fairport, New York. Interested in buying one? Send Rhonda a message via Facebook or call her at (585) 223-3737 and she’ll hook you up with one for just $14! They come in every color of the rainbow!
Remember those slouchy socks all the girls wore back in the 1980s? Well, I’m trying to bring those back. I know it’s hard to see it from the picture, but I have a pair of oversized black socks with turquoise flowers on them scrunched down around my booties. I’m telling you, if I have anything to say about it, everyone is going to be doing this. Unless they don’t.

It’s hard to see my bracelet in this photo, but it’s leather and enamelware made by the fabulous Donna Sturges. That woman creates magic with circles, I’m telling you!
The winner of my Hanukkah Hoopla giveaway is Suzanne because her comment about buying Hanukkah decorations at Hobby Lobby made me laugh aloud. Suzanne, please contact me within the next 48 hours so I can send you some of my handcrafted stationery! Just in time to write all those thank you notes for all the goodies you received over the holidays! And not a bad way to start off the new year, right? Winninnnnnggggg!
Oh, and one more thing. I started using this L’Dara serum stuff on my face. It’s supposed to minimize wrinkles. I’ll let you know what I think in a future post. Stay warm everyone!
What one accessory makes you happy when you wear it? Where did you get it?
tweet me @rasjacobson
I am so excited that I won! And the scarf is lovely!
I’m so glad you did too. I’ll get those out in the mail to you today. 🙂
Wow! Looking at this photo my face looks like one mounted on the wall behind you! The one on the far left Renee! 😉
You look FABULOUS Renee, and the scarf (and outfit) are perfect on you.
Awwww, Professor. You always say the nicest things. I don’t get a lot of compliments these days, and my self-esteem has kind of taken a hit. As you can see, I’m kind of chronicling my journey as a person who never cared much about fashion to — hopefully — a person who learns a lot about how to accentuate my positives. I think I still have a few of ’em.
Renee! Are you KIDDING ME!? First of all, I compliment you because of your energetic bubbly personality — we’ve shared via email as well — and great sense of humor! Those score big for me. Second, I also do it because I’m simply stating the truth, the obvious: you are very attractive even with all your “accentuated positives”!!! 😉
Rock it Gurl! You deserve it after what you’ve been through!
Professor Taboo you are so right about Renee. She has her own style..
Don’t encourage him, Mom.
My socks have slouched *since* the 80s. Maybe I’m a fashionista. My favorite accessory is a classy yet understated watch, which i don’t have at the moment.
Time to treat yourself, Eli. And I don’t mean on a SWATCH. Get something you love. You deserve it.
It would feel like such an extravagance. I’d think about the soccer fees or groceries that money could buy. Know what’s dumb? We went for groceries this week and I felt like it was an extravagance too – and it wasn’t a bunch of junk, it was all the staples! Staples shouldn’t feel like extravagance.
I have a tendency to deprive myself of things too. I grew up in a family where we didn’t do a lot of extravagant things or make a lot of expensive purchases, so I’m not the kind of girl who lives in the mall. Also, I went into a career where I knew I was never going to get rich. Still, I realize it’s important to spend a little on yourself once in a while. I can buy anything for my son, but it’s hard to spend on myself. Except for massages. I can always find money on a good massage.
I think my guilty pleasure is graham crackers.
You look fabulous! I love your wonderfully fun fashion sense. I suppose I could put socks on and if I did they would absolutely have to be slouchy.
Hi Val. I’ve never been good at buying things for myself, so this is an exercise in indulging myself a little bit. And it’s also an exercise in putting myself out there. Truth be told, I’ve never been very comfortable about the way I look. When I receive nice comments, it helps me to feel more confident about my appearance. Hopefully, by the time I’m 50, I’ll be able to lose this insecurity once and for all.
Scarves are so fun! They might be my favorite accessory, too. Though my husband got me some earrings for our anniversary, so they might actually be my favorite, oh, I can’t pick! And thank you for reminding me about thank you notes! Stay warm, too! It’s windy here! Brrrrrr