Fill Me Up Friday: Ding-a-Ling Day!

As I return to the land of the living, I sometimes like Rip Van Winkle. You know, that guy who fell asleep for 50 years and then woke up to find his beard had grown a foot long, his wife had died, and that his close friends had fallen in a war or moved away.
Unlike Rip Van Winkle who resumed his usual idleness once he returned to daily life, I feel motivated to work hard and love hard and play hard.
You know, YOLO.
I want to live like every day is a holiday.
And guess what? I found out every day is a holiday.
Did you know today is National Ding-a-Ling Day.
Yes, it is. And I’m not talking about the Salvation Army Bell ringers. Nope. Today is the day where we’re supposed to cut loose and act a little weird.
What am I doing to celebrate Ding-a-Ling day? I’m connecting with folks who are slightly off their rockers writers and artists whose words & images I love!
To that end, today is my first “Fill Me Up” Friday. I’m asking you to leave a comment for me in which you share ONE of your more recent blog posts and paste the link in my comment section.
Wait, How Does This Work?
- Leave a short comment and then share a link to ONE of your posts. Remember, I’ve been out of the loop for a while, and I’m trying to figure out what’s going on in your world, so tell me about you, yourself and… you!
- Click on a few links left by others. When you show up at someone’s blog, be sure tell that person, “Renée sent me.” Oh, and remind him/her to visit you at your place.
- If you like each other, you might decide to
do crazy things togetherfollow each other!
Do me a favor and celebrate today and every day! I’m so grateful for each one of you. Here’s a link of me doing something a little out of the ordinary. Enjoy:
Oh, and if you haven’t entered the giveaway to win one of my 4×4 canvases, you might want to click HERE. There’s still time to win.
tweet me @rasjacobson
Love this idea! Had to search to find something just plain silly or fun on my blog, but here goes…
Hi Lanie. Just came back from your place. Thank you for sharing that cute piece with me. Your piece didn’t have to be silly. It just has to be about you! I plan to do one of these posts each month, as I try to reconnect with old blogging friends and meet new peeps..
Thanks. I’m seeing that from some of the other posts too. But…it *did* illustrate that my entries as of late have been much more cerebral and emotional, with deeper and heavier themes. Looking back over some of my entries, I miss the lighter stuff sometimes. I’ll have to figure that out.
HAH! Love this, love your video! I knew you were a great dancer! Typically dancers have…”bubbly” querky personalities. And that’s you Renee. 😉
I’m definitely looking forward to some other entries! lol
My entry?
P.S. There’s another entry (maybe more) that are more….umm, humbling if you care to browse. And please, speak frankly in your comments. 🙂
Professor, I tried to leave you a comment, but the comments seem to be closed. Sometimes that happens when a post is older. I loved THIS:
“It is okay to be alone sometimes. There is no set deadline for true companionship!”
And of course, I loved your discussion about um… tractors. It feels good to be visiting other people again. Thanks for sharing. Did you check out Lanie up there ^^. I hope you do.
I must find how to turn comments back on then. Didn’t know they Turned Off without my permission! Ain’t that life!? lol
Am checking out Lanie’s post as we speak/cyber-batting. 🙂
Comments back on & available. Thank you Renee!
Perfect. Now other people can stop by to say hi, Professor. 🙂
Hi Renee! What a great idea – it’s always great to meet new bloggers. This post is from earlier this year, and I’m considering including it in the book I’m working on, a collection of humorous essays called “The Green Hornet Suit.” I’m open for feedback – could you identify with it? Did it flow?
Hi DMS! I just reader piece, and I’m so glad to se that you’re putting together a collection of humorous essays because that one truly fits the bill. It absolutely flows. I have so nit-picky edits (if you really want to know), but the message and the delivery is pretty superb! Good for you!
So glad to see you blogging again. I’ve missed your wit. And thanks for the opportunity to pimp my own blog. Here’s the link to today’s post.
BTW, did you pay Susie Lindau a royalty for using her idea? Don’t know if she’s got it copyrighted or not. jk
Just now watched the video. You look good!
Well, it’s not exactly a current video, but I’m going to start doing these things once a month, and I’m going to pair dancing videos with a kinky-love blog appeal.
I know it probably seems like I’ve borrowed this idea from Susie, but I started doing this way back in 2010, long before I ever met Susie! I’ve resurrected it because I’ve lost contact with so many people (which is heartbreaking), but you know what? It’s not the worst thing to be write for myself for a while. Thank you for being here, David. For “filling me up” the whole way. Heading over to your place now. 🙂
Wonderful to see you back! Love the smiles. 🙂 Here is a link to one of two parts of a short story I wrote. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for stopping by, Nelson. That story that you shared is just lovely! 🙂
A hello from a new follower ! Love your video. Here’s something out-of-the routine, that I did
As usual, I’m a day late and a dollar short. Love reading about your reawakening (and don’t even get me started about how how enjoyable it was watching you dance with that great smile). I’ll pop a link to my most recent scribblings, but there’s no obligation – that’s just the price of being tardy.
1Point: I came over to check you out. You’re a good-looking as ever. Thanks for coming to say hi.
I also have the good sense not to dance when there are cameras on, because unlike you, I can’t dance.
I dont believe you! It woykd be hilarious to see video of your head buncimg up abd down!
What a nice idea Renee, I had to find a recent post that wasn’t my more political bent. Going to visit a few of your posters, despite I am only now catching up with reading (been laid low with a cold / flu).
Thank you for sharing, Val! I left a note at your place. 🙂
Hello Renee! What a great guide for living life – like each day is a holiday. I love that.
For my shared post, please consider leaving me some tuneage ideas for my annual phenomenal women mix and the more mellow cafe mix! I’m